主演:京本有加 吉田貴幸 相多愛 里久鸣祐果 大江朝美 鸟肌实
漫改 1999年动画《天生一对》真人化 The plot revolves around Kyosuke Saji, an ordinary teenage boy who ado
漫改 1999年动画《天生一对》真人化
The plot revolves around Kyosuke Saji, an ordinary teenage boy who adores a girl named Akira Koizumi, despite others in their lives who complicate their relationship. Yuka Kyomoto and Takayuki Yoshida star as Koizumi and Saji. The film will have an October 2-4 run in Tokyo's Cinemart Roppongi theater before being released as a DVD this winter. The manga has been running over the course of 13 years and an anime was produced by J.C. Staff in 1999.
16-year old Keisuke Saji loves to fantasize about young beautiful women. He hopes to land the object of his affection, Koizumi Akira. Koizumi is a classic Tsundere, swtiching between violence towards Saji and affection. While most guys take Koizumi's cold shoulder as a hint, Saji pursues head-on without having rejection faze him.